Buy Side

25 Dec: Kris Kelley – Legacy Ridge Capital Management – The Stock Podcast, Ep.45

Kris Kelley is the founder and managing partner of Legacy Ridge Capital Management, a private investment firm that Kris started in 2018, shortly after he left Janus Henderson Investors. Kris has some strong views when it comes to the money management industry, views I personally agree with and ones I think every investor should hear. Kris is a value-focused, contrarian investor who believes the best way for active managers to serve their investors is through highly concentrated portfolios.

Now, if you were to ask a hundred value investors who had the greatest impact on their investment philosophy and principles, I’m sure you’d hear a lot of the same names – Warren Buffett, Charlie Munger, Ben Graham, Seth Klarman, and Stanley Drukenmiller. These investors have most certainly had an impact on me, but Kris has hands-down had the greatest impact on my investing philosophy….and that’s because Kris was my mentor during my six years at Janus. He’s one of, if not the greatest investors I know personally, he lives and breaths value-investing, and the perspectives he shares in this interview should open everyone’s eyes to a flawed industry.

04 Sep: Brad Slingerlend and Brinton Johns – Tech Investing with the Co-Founders of NZS Capital – The Stock Podcast, Ep.36

Brad Slingerlend and Brinton Johns are the co-founders of NZS Capital, LLC, an investment firm that focuses on innovative businesses that demonstrate non-zero-sum (NZS) characteristics. If you’re wondering what non-zero-sum means in investing, you really have to listen to this episode! Brad and Brinton are veteran tech investors with a top tier performance track record. Together they oversaw the Janus Henderson Technology funds for nearly 10 years. Over that period, they honed and perfected their investment philosophy and principles, which they share in this episode.

01 Apr: What is the Buy Side, Sell Side, and Corporate Access? – The Stock Podcast, Ep.1

The Stock Podcast, previously known as ‘Investing with the Buyside’, was founded on the belief that every investor should have the opportunity to hear a CEO or CFO of a public company describe their business, industry, and outlook. The chance to sit down and speak with management is called corporate access. However, you might instead be asking yourself, what is the ‘buy side’, why is corporate access so important, and what’s the difference between the buy side vs sell side? Well, please allow me to grossly oversimplify a very complex industry.